view: | Hill Country |
sewer: | None |
taxLot: | 158 |
horseYN: | yes |
listAor: | Austin Board Of Realtors |
mineral: | None |
taxRate: | 1.5663 |
taxYear: | 2022 |
mlsStatus: | Active |
ownerName: | Withheld |
utilities: | Above Ground, Electricity Available |
accessCode: | 0108 |
highSchool: | Burnet |
possession: | Close Of Escrow, Funding |
coordinates: | -98.332187, 30.935972 |
disclosures: | None |
hasDocBoxYN: | yes |
lotFeatures: | Cul-De-Sac, Private Maintained Road, Many Trees, Trees-Medium (20 Ft - 40 Ft), Views |
lotSizeArea: | 10 |
propertyKey: | 48053|000000114506|1|262862307 |
syndicateTo: |, Network,, LH, |
waterSource: | None |
commercialYN: | no |
daysOnMarket: | 72 |
listAgentAor: | Austin Board Of Realtors |
listAgentKey: | 8f1e011d95c7c86cee1079fcb3f1d586 |
listingTerms: | Cash, Conventional, FHA, VA Loan |
mlsAreaMajor: | BU |
parcelNumber: | 07273020000158000 |
restrictions: | Deed Restrictions |
titleCompany: | Attorney's Abstract Company |
waterfrontYN: | no |
actrisCountry: | US |
associationYN: | yes |
listOfficeAor: | Austin Board Of Realtors |
listOfficeKey: | 10df98fad468c9a7b93081dd74cc868a |
propertyMatch: | APN |
taxExemptions: | Wildlife |
associationFee: | 500 |
buyerIncentive: | Closing Cost |
estimatedTaxes: | 12.77 |
femaFloodPlain: | No |
horseAmenities: | Pasture |
intermediaryYN: | yes |
lastChangeType: | Price Decrease |
listAgentEmail: | [email protected] |
listingService: | Full Service |
surfaceWaterYN: | no |
associationName: | Ranches At Blackbuck Ridge |
listOfficePhone: | (512) 294-3758 |
majorChangeType: | Price Decrease |
otherStructures: | None |
sourceSystemKey: | 123248738 |
elementarySchool: | Shady Grove |
listingAgreement: | Exclusive Right To Sell |
taxAssessedValue: | 815 |
listAgentFullName: | Kirk Carpenter |
listingKeyNumeric: | 123248738 |
listingOfficeName: | Carpenter Real Estate |
lotSizeSquareFeet: | 435600 |
newConstructionYN: | no |
originalListPrice: | 179000 |
previousListPrice: | 179000 |
documentsAvailable: | Deed Restrictions |
highSchoolDistrict: | Burnet ISD |
mlsMajorChangeType: | Price Decrease |
showingContactName: | Kirk Carpenter |
showingContactType: | Agent |
waterfrontFeatures: | None |
additionalParcelsYN: | no |
builderRestrictedYN: | no |
lastChangeTimestamp: | 2024-09-16T15:48:20+00:00 |
listAgentKeyNumeric: | 108262596 |
listingContractDate: | 2024-07-06T00:00:00+00:00 |
originatingSystemId: | actris |
showingContactPhone: | 5126198572 |
showingRequirements: | Go, Sign on Property, Text Listing Agent |
streetNumberNumeric: | 158 |
taxLegalDescription: | S7273 RANCHES AT BLACKBUCK RIDGE LOT 158, SEC 2, 10 Acres |
electricOnPropertyYN: | yes |
habitableResidenceYN: | no |
listAgentDirectPhone: | (512) 619-8572 |
listOfficeKeyNumeric: | 24299411 |
majorChangeTimestamp: | 2024-09-16T15:48:20+00:00 |
middleOrJuniorSchool: | Burnet (Burnet ISD) |
originatingSystemKey: | actris |
priceChangeTimestamp: | 2024-09-16T15:48:20+00:00 |
docBoxNumMlsDocuments: | 2 |
modificationTimestamp: | 2024-09-16T15:52:32+00:00 |
originatingSystemName: | ABOR - actris |
statusChangeTimestamp: | 2024-07-06T21:39:16+00:00 |
associationFeeIncludes: | Common Area Maintenance |
associationRequirement: | Mandatory |
cumulativeDaysOnMarket: | 649 |
originalEntryTimestamp: | 2024-07-06T21:39:16+00:00 |
showingContactPhoneExt: | 5126198572 |
associationFeeFrequency: | Annually |
elementarySchoolDistrict: | Burnet ISD |
listingAgreementDocument: | ACTRIS |
specialListingConditions: | Standard |
actrisOriginatingSystemName: | ACTRIS |
docBoxModificationTimestamp: | 2024-07-06T21:42:06+00:00 |
ratioCurrentPriceByOriginal: | 0.94 |
ratioCurrentPriceLotSizeSqu: | 0.39 |
ratioListPriceByOriginalLis: | 0.94 |
ratioListPriceLotSizeSquare: | 0.39 |
statusContractualSearchDate: | 2024-07-06T00:00:00+00:00 |
middleOrJuniorSchoolDistrict: | Burnet ISD |
lastHumanModificationTimestam: | 2024-09-16T15:52:32+00:00 |
groundwaterConservationDistric: | yes |
internetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN: | no |